Allan’s Primary School

Allan’s Primary School in Stirlingshire have been using the School App for Parents for almost 4 years and have found the app to be an integral addition for them.
“Throughout the years, the app has adapted to the needs of the school due to your team listening to our requirements. The app is so easy to use and we have saved so much money with the free messaging. We love the fact that our Twitter feed and blog are connected to the app, which helps parents find everything they need in one place.”
Their app is managed brilliantly and they have an outstanding 914 downloads, with a pupil roll of 186, which shows the extent of the school community being reached. The news and date sections are updated regularly giving parents all the information they need when they need it. They have sent a total of 729,372 messages which equates to a saving of £58,349.76 (compared to an 8 pence text message).
Allan’s Primary School is taking advantage of the other great features the School App for Parents has to offer, such as having both their Twitter account and Glow Blog feeding directly into their News section. By having their news managed from one place, they are significantly reducing admin time.