Mackie Academy

Mackie Academy in Aberdeenshire have been using the School App for Parents for almost 2 years and have embraced the app fantastically. They have found it to be an integral addition for them.
“We are delighted with the response from parents since launching the app – it has made communication and sharing information so simple.”
Their app is managed brilliantly and they currently have 2567 downloads, with a pupil roll of 1181, which shows the extent of the school community being reached. The news and date sections are updated regularly giving parents all the information they need when they need it. They have sent a total of 1,994,559 messages which equates to a saving of £159,654.72 (compared to an 8 pence text message).
Mackie Academy are taking advantage of some of the other features and services Connectus offer including having their Twitter account feeding directly into their News section and having their app calendar dates linked to their website. By having their news and dates managed from one place, they are significantly reducing admin time.